Keeping Up With The Kibbes
Friday, February 11, 2011
2 Weeks Notice
We've been in Florida since June 2008. Its been interesting to say the least. We are more then anything looking forward to being with our friends and family that we have so desperately missed while here.
We always kind of knew we would move back. Our storage unit is in Massachusetts full to the brim with our belongings. When we originally moved to Florida was said it would be for a trial basis. Well, it did not work.
Lee and I both gave our 2 weeks notice today at our workplaces. I am going to be talking to my company to see if I can get a transfer to Massachusetts with one of the other companies under Rollins. I've worked there for 2 years now, and have accrued vacation time, as well as a name for myself. I like HomeTeam, and the culture and will be sad to leave the company. Maybe some day they will open a branch in New England.
We need to do whats best for our family and we truly believe its not in Florida. So long palm trees, hello family and friends!
Now... lets see if I can find a Uhaul.
Monday, January 31, 2011
Discoveries -- Fingers & Splashing
Most naps he wakes up in a puddle of drool. So now I'm starting to understand why we have so many bibs. We have 20+ bibs, and when you aren't formula feeding things don't really get that messy. Well with the drooling, we'll be putting those bibs to good use!
I've started bathing him in the big tub with his bath chair. He's loving being a bit more submerged in the water and has discovered how to splash around and get both of us soaked!
Last Day of Maternity Leave
He looks so grown up to me in this picture with Lee. I know I'll look back and say what happened to my tiny baby. I love you Carter. Have a blast with your daddy, I'll miss you.
Sunday, January 30, 2011
A Day in the Life
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
Our Fabulous Family Members (Kibbe Side)

Grandpa Ric has a great sense of humor, but sometimes that means a bit of a potty mouth. We are all getting used to having little ears around, and I have to say the piggy bank benefited from Ric's visit! We tried to keep it nearby to collect on his indiscretions!
Here is Carter's only Uncle (so far) poor kid has 4 aunts and only 1 uncle! Todd is a hard worker just like his dad with the same morals and love of life. He is a great role model for our little guy and we are hoping we get to spend more time with him and Jenn in the near future! Here is a picture of Auntie Jenn and Uncle Todd.
There is so much more I could say about his side of the family, but alas, Carter has woken from his nap and I need to feed him! Until next time.
Things I want to blog about but don't have time to right now
- 1st time in the big tub without daddy's help
- Sleeping and schedules
- Day in the life
- Lee's contribution to the blog
- A tribute to each Auntie, Uncle and Grandparent (I think I'll start this one now)
Belly Buddies
The concept of Belly Buddies is ingenious. Its a forum for expectant mother's who are due the same month / year. I'm surprised there aren't more sites cashing in on this with advertising allowances. There really isn't anything like a new pregnancy for a first time mom to make you a bit crazy, can I eat this, can I do that, and my favorite, is this normal. Here are a few of many things I picked up in my group:
Deli Meat= evil
Caffeine = evil
Mystery Meat like Sausage = evil
Hot Baths or Tubs = evil
Swimming is fun and safe exercise for you and baby
Pregnancy hurts, what your feeling is probably round ligament pain, and yes, its normal HA!
I have to say, finding the group I did when I did was a blessing. It got me really interested in their stories, and a few friendships blossomed out of the experience. For a while there Lee thought I was nuts, especially when we finally started following each other of Facebook because it's easier to keep in touch. I'm happy to say we are talking about meeting up and introducing our babies!
Its great being able to talk to other moms who have children the same age and are at the same stage developmentally as your own. It gives a bit of reassurance that things are A O K. One of the ladies even said she was happy Carter was a bit older then the others, because she can look forward to whats coming next!
When Carter was born in November, there was no doubt in my mind that I'd stick with the December belly buddies group. When a child is born prematurely, even if its just 3 weeks, there is a term called adjusted age. This gives the parents an idea of how to keep track of development when physically the baby might be a bit behind. The calculation is based on your due date, so instead of having the developmental abilities of a month old baby, your 3 week early baby develops closer to a week old baby. Seeing as Carter was due December 3rd that's how we've been keeping up.
I brought this up with his pediatrician and asked him when he thought Carter would be caught up to the other babies born in November, he said that by his 4 month appointment we should be right on track. Just what an anxious first time mom needed to hear!
I interviewed 2 pediatricians while I was pregnant, again, it was a suggestion from the belly buddies group. Dr. Bartlett was my first choice. He's been practicing medicine in Pediatrics for 38 years. He's pro breast feeding, and even gave me a high five when at Carter's 2 month appointment I told him he was only getting breast milk.
I just feel really lucky to have found these ladies, and sparked the friendships that I have. We talk almost everyday online, and I hope that continues long after I return to work. Thanks ladies, you really made our experience more special, especially Alicia, Meshele, Jess, Beth and Valerie. Oh and I can't forget Carter's new friends... Weslee, Patience, Evan, Lillian and Addison.
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
Monday, January 24, 2011
New Pictures
Some of the faces Carter makes are really funny! Some of them are quite sad. He's mastered the pout, I'll have to find a pout picture to post.
It was bright out, so he tried out Mommy's glasses... they don't fit.
Discoveries -- Mirror Baby
Speaking of starting the day, We started ours at 6:45 this morning, he went to bed at 10! Sadly Lee and I didn't get that much sleep, we rented The Social Network last night and didn't realize how long it was. I thought it was a great movie. I've heard that its not true to life, but it was entertaining none the less.
Lee has to work today, and I think I'm going to try to give Carter a bath on my own. It'll be the first time I give him one without Lee's help, but I figure baby steps! He really likes the tub, and is pretty well behaved so I think I'll manage OK.
Sunday, January 23, 2011
Carter's Super Speedy Growth

Highlights of the past 2 1/2 months

Saturday, January 22, 2011
Why Start Now?

Welcome Little One!
Here is how I told my dad: (phone call)

Getting Started and Introductions
My husband Lee and I just had our first baby. Well, back in November. Man the time really flies with a little baby in the house! We did pretty well adjusting to parenthood.
Here is the cast of our little family:
Mommy (me) -- Julie
Daddy -- Lee
Baby -- Carter
Kitty -- 10 year old tortoise shell rescue
Milo -- 5 year old Rag Doll (cat)
Here is a little background on Lee and I since Carter has just joined the party!
Lee and I met in 2005 through a mutual friend. He and I hit it off right away and started dating in April. In 2008 the night before my college graduation from Clark University he asked me to marry him. We announced our engagement to our entire family and friends the following day after my graduation at our graduation/going away party! We were thunderously applauded, it was a moment I'll never forget all the days of my life.
We moved to Florida in June of 2008, just as the job market fell through the floor. We weren't going to let that stop us. We planned our wedding in Massachusetts so that all of our family and friends could make it.
We honeymooned for a week in Jamaica, then it was back to work for us.
That's the very basic background, I'll write more about each important event as it becomes relevant. Starting with the most recent and most dear: getting ready for and the birth of our son Carter!