Sunday, January 30, 2011

A Day in the Life

Carter is napping again, so here's my opportunity...

I guess in order to give a good idea of what its like to have a 2.5 month old baby I need to start with last night.  Maybe it should be called 24 hours in the life!  He's gotten into a routine, I wouldn't say schedule yet, because we are still breast feeding on demand, and he tells me when he's hungry.  The on demand is going to come to a screeching halt on Tuesday when I go back to work so hopefully its an easy adjustment for him.
I will start by saying he is awake for about 1.5-2 hours at a time during the day then takes a 1-2 hour nap and repeat with lots of "boob juice" in between. Lee worked yesterday and on his way home rented Repo Men.  It was REALLY gory! 

Lee got home at about 6:00 and I was feeding the baby.  He played for a bit then took a nap at 7:00pm.  Woke him at 8:30 fed again, and watched the movie while playing with him getting him to sit up (pulling him up) putting him in the Bumbo, and playing with his feet which he loves. He started to get tired so...
Bed time 9:30 slept to 2:30 ate and up until 4:00am at which point I gave in and brought him into our bed and he then slept soundly until 9:30am.


In the morning he wakes up and wants to eat right away, its been hours at this point since his last meal (haha).  He was up and playing about 10 minutes in his gym before becoming overstimulated then ate again then nap at 11:00 (it must be nice).

 I woke him at 12:45 and Lee fed him 4.5 oz of pumped milk.  He was still hungry after that so I fed him a bit more.  Its good we did this today, we'd been wondering how much he was eating at a time. I tried to play with him after I fed him a bit more but he was conked out so he's napping again now.  He'll wake up (or I'll wake him up) at 3:00pm.  Eat play eat and repeat!  We have another movie for tonight, but he'll be getting a bath before we watch it.  His tub days are usually Wednesdays and Saturdays, but last night I wasn't feeling very well (a whole other story). 

Here it is 3:00.  Time to wake the baby! 

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