Saturday, January 22, 2011

Welcome Little One!

Lee and I learned in late March of 2010 that we were expecting a baby. We were both thrilled with the idea, and a little overwhelmed with it being a first experience for us both. We waited to the end of my first trimester to tell our families and our friends. We got some great reactions.

Here is how I told my dad: (phone call)

"Hi Dad, how would you feel about being a grandfather?"

"Oh, well I don't know!? Is there a reason?"

"Well yes, Lee and I are having a baby!"

He was so cute and excited about it, he made me tear up! Then I hear him say:

"Sweetheart, Julie's having a baby!" To Nancy. I can still hear the inflection in his voice and the excitement in his smile even over the phone.

Lee's parents we took a different approach with. His father's birthday is in April, and we sent his birthday card and addressed it to Grandpa! They called us a bit confused, and we share the good news!

I had a reletively uncomplicated pregnancy. We followed the book with standard tests and procedures. At about 20 weeks gestation (July 14th), my Dad's birthday, we found out we were having a boy! This was the point where our families started talking about names and what they wanted to be called. My parents took the untraditional route. My mother requested to be called Oma, German for Grandmother. My father requested Pops, well ... because it's cute!

We did not share our thoughts on naming him with anyone. It was something Lee and I wanted to do on our own. We went through dozens of lists online, thought about family names, and struggled with what his name would be until October. We finalized his name but didn't tell anyone including my doctors until I was in labor. A few of the names we threw around were: Ethan, Evan, Cole, Aiden, Martin and William *as a first name. We are very satisfied with his name, and hope he likes it as a child, and also as he grows into a man.

Lee's family threw us a baby shower in Massachussets in September, which I didn't go to in person, but Lee did. I skyped the shower it was great, but I wish I'd been there in person! I had another small shower in early October which was fun. Lee and I are really blessed to have such generous family and friends! We had just about everything we needed for our baby!

I'm going to spare my readers the gory details of my pregnancy and the process of bringing Carter into this world. Some readers know the details; for modesty's sake I'm going to just say he was delivered to us on November 13th 2010 at 12:37am weighing 7lbs 2oz and 21 inches long. He was exactly 3 weeks earlier then my due date. Lee and I were instantly taken by him. Our lives haven't been the same since. We liked being two, but we love being three.

This is his very first picture:

Coming home outfit:

Birth announcement picture:

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