Monday, January 31, 2011

Discoveries -- Fingers & Splashing

He's found his hands.  At least enough to put them in his mouth.  He isn't looking at them yet, just sucking on them.  We're not sure which finger/s he's interested in, or if he wants his whole hand to suck on.  Not that drool is a discovery, but he's also started drooling a lot more.  The books say that means teething is coming!  Ouch!  We've offered him his teether a few times and he seems to be interested in it, more so for the temperature right out of the freezer then chewing on it. 

Most naps he wakes up in a puddle of drool.  So now I'm starting to understand why we have so many bibs.  We have 20+ bibs, and when you aren't formula feeding things don't really get that messy.  Well with the drooling, we'll be putting those bibs to good use!

I've started bathing him in the big tub with his bath chair.  He's loving being a bit more submerged in the water and has discovered how to splash around and get both of us soaked!

He loves the tub, but really despises getting out.  I'm not sure if its because he wants to stay and play in the water or if he doesn't like the feeling of the cold hitting his skin before I get him dressed.

One thing is for sure, is that he sleeps like an old pro after tubby time.

Last Day of Maternity Leave

Bitter sweet.  I know I'll be able to provide a better life for my son by returning to work and earning money, as its been really tight here the last few months since I left work.  I'm going to miss him like crazy.  I want to be here for all of his firsts.  I want to help him make discoveries, and fine tune his motor skills.  I realize I'm not saying goodbye, but it kind of feels that way.

The first time I held him I knew I loved him, but the past almost 3 months I've been busy falling in love with him.  I told Lee that I liked the two of us, but I love the three of us.  Carter has captured my heart so thoroughly and quickly I can't find words to describe how it feels to gain everything you've ever dreamed and wanted in such a short time.

We are very fortunate that Lee will be able to be with Carter while I'm at work while still maintaining some hours with his job.  It will be good bonding time for my boys, and I can't wait to hear the stories that come of it.  I'd rather be here to see, but having mommy around certainly would change the boy's interactions.  What I'd pay to be a fly on the wall!  I've requested Lee takes 10 pictures per day that I'm at work.  I'm not sure that will happen but the way I see it shoot high, and if I get one per day I'll still make out.

He looks so grown up to me in this picture with Lee.  I know I'll look back and say what happened to my tiny baby.  I love you Carter.  Have a blast with your daddy, I'll miss you.

Sunday, January 30, 2011

A Day in the Life

Carter is napping again, so here's my opportunity...

I guess in order to give a good idea of what its like to have a 2.5 month old baby I need to start with last night.  Maybe it should be called 24 hours in the life!  He's gotten into a routine, I wouldn't say schedule yet, because we are still breast feeding on demand, and he tells me when he's hungry.  The on demand is going to come to a screeching halt on Tuesday when I go back to work so hopefully its an easy adjustment for him.
I will start by saying he is awake for about 1.5-2 hours at a time during the day then takes a 1-2 hour nap and repeat with lots of "boob juice" in between. Lee worked yesterday and on his way home rented Repo Men.  It was REALLY gory! 

Lee got home at about 6:00 and I was feeding the baby.  He played for a bit then took a nap at 7:00pm.  Woke him at 8:30 fed again, and watched the movie while playing with him getting him to sit up (pulling him up) putting him in the Bumbo, and playing with his feet which he loves. He started to get tired so...
Bed time 9:30 slept to 2:30 ate and up until 4:00am at which point I gave in and brought him into our bed and he then slept soundly until 9:30am.


In the morning he wakes up and wants to eat right away, its been hours at this point since his last meal (haha).  He was up and playing about 10 minutes in his gym before becoming overstimulated then ate again then nap at 11:00 (it must be nice).

 I woke him at 12:45 and Lee fed him 4.5 oz of pumped milk.  He was still hungry after that so I fed him a bit more.  Its good we did this today, we'd been wondering how much he was eating at a time. I tried to play with him after I fed him a bit more but he was conked out so he's napping again now.  He'll wake up (or I'll wake him up) at 3:00pm.  Eat play eat and repeat!  We have another movie for tonight, but he'll be getting a bath before we watch it.  His tub days are usually Wednesdays and Saturdays, but last night I wasn't feeling very well (a whole other story). 

Here it is 3:00.  Time to wake the baby! 

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Our Fabulous Family Members (Kibbe Side)

I'm going to start with Lee's family because we had such a nice visit, but I don't feel like I wrote enough about it.  They bought their ticket far in advance, long before we knew we were going to be having Carter so early!  I was told by my OB that she wouldn't let my pregnancy go beyond 2 weeks past my due date, knowing that they scheduled their trip for December 18th.  Baby would definitely be here by then!  Little did we all know he'd be a month old by then!

Carter's Grandma Sandy is a really nice woman with a huge heart.  She has been wanting a grandchild for a long time, and is pretty excited to finally have one!  I couldn't really ask for a better Mother in law.  I think I'm a bit spoiled in that department.  She is very caring.  Never forgets a birthday, is quick to offer advise (but only when asked) and has some mean recipes I call her for time to time.  Lee's got his favorites that his mom made him for years, and Sandy seems happy to share them!  Here is a picture of Grandma the first time she met Carter.  They came in pretty late and we woke up the baby because it seemed like the right thing to do.  We were as excited to introduce him to her as she was to meet him!

Here is another picture of Sandy

In addition to having Lee's parents for a visit, his sister Nicole also came down.  She is a really sweet Sister-in-Law and we've been buddies since we met.  She is a texter and is always sending messages to us in Florida about how much she misses us.  We miss her too!  She was the first person to come and visit Lee and I after we moved to Florida.  She drove all the way from Massachusetts in her Cavalier!  Before we moved to Florida she was on our team for a candle pin bowling league.  She is the typical little sister who loves her big brother dearly!  Here's the picture of the first time Nicole held Carter:

It was around Christmas time when they came, so they brought presents for us and Carter.  Here is one Nicole brought.  Its a great way to remember how tiny our baby was for his first Christmas!  They have strings on them and become ornaments for the tree!  We love Auntie Nicole and are looking forward to her taking Carter sledding next winter if we can make it work!

Grandpa Kibbe Ric has a personality that makes you love him from the moment he starts teasing.  He is  a big jokester and enjoys the simple things in life that many take for granted.  What he brings to the family is a solid foundation of a hard day's work and the ability to enjoy each moment as they come.  I think one of the reasons I get along with Ric so well is that I can take the teasing and I tease him right back!  Sandy said to me when Lee and I started dating that Ric wouldn't poke fun at me if he didn't like me!  I'll guarantee you this, he likes me!  

While the Kibbes were visiting they took us shopping for Christmas presents so they knew they'd get us stuff we wanted!  Whats better then that right!?  Well while we were at Target Ric picked out the following outfit for Carter.  With Lee and my love of Christmas he couldn't have done better!

 Grandpa Ric has a great sense of humor, but sometimes that means a bit of a potty mouth.  We are all getting used to having little ears around, and I have to say the piggy bank benefited from Ric's visit!  We tried to keep it nearby to collect on his indiscretions!
 He is a great card player.  He taught all of his kids to play cards, and in this picture they are playing cribbage out on our linia.  He's very good, but I'm sure its because he cheats! (just kidding)

Lee has a brother too his name is Todd.  We haven't had the opportunity to introduce him to Carter yet.   Todd and his wife Jenn are planning on visiting mid February.  I'll post more pictures then.

Here is Carter's only Uncle (so far) poor kid has 4 aunts and only 1 uncle! Todd is a hard worker just like his dad with the same morals and love of life.  He is a great role model for our little guy and we are hoping we get to spend more time with him and Jenn in the near future!  Here is a picture of Auntie Jenn and Uncle Todd.
There is so much more I could say about his side of the family, but alas, Carter has woken from his nap and I need to feed him! Until next time.

Things I want to blog about but don't have time to right now

I am limited on the amount of time I have between naps, so in an effort not to forget anything here are some topics I plan to blog about:

  • 1st time in the big tub without daddy's help
  • Sleeping and schedules
  • Day in the life
  • Lee's contribution to the blog
  • A tribute to each Auntie, Uncle and Grandparent (I think I'll start this one now)

Belly Buddies

During the course of my pregnancy I had the opportunity to meet a plethora of ladies online who were due in December as well.  To tell you the truth, I don't even remember how I found the group.  Google is a wonderful tool.  Since Lee and I moved to Florida, we've been doing a lot of working and not so much socializing.  Its been difficult for us to meet people.  Neither one of us enjoys bar hopping, and would rather get a good meal, and see the newest movies.  Needless to say, I didn't know anyone locally who was pregnant the same time I was. 

The concept of Belly Buddies is ingenious. Its a forum for expectant mother's who are due the same month / year.  I'm surprised there aren't more sites cashing in on this with advertising allowances.  There really isn't anything like a new pregnancy for a first time mom to make you a bit crazy, can I eat this, can I do that, and my favorite, is this normal.  Here are a few of many things I picked up in my group:

Deli Meat= evil
Caffeine = evil
Mystery Meat like Sausage = evil
Hot Baths or Tubs = evil

Swimming is fun and safe exercise for you and baby

Pregnancy hurts, what your feeling is probably round ligament pain, and yes, its normal HA!

I have to say, finding the group I did when I did was a blessing.  It got me really interested in their stories, and a few friendships blossomed out of the experience.  For a while there Lee thought I was nuts, especially when we finally started following each other of Facebook because it's easier to keep in touch.  I'm happy to say we are talking about meeting up and introducing our babies! 

Its great being able to talk to other moms who have children the same age and are at the same stage developmentally as your own.  It gives a bit of reassurance that things are A O K.  One of the ladies even said she was happy Carter was a bit older then the others, because she can look forward to whats coming next! 

When Carter was born in November, there was no doubt in my mind that I'd stick with the December belly buddies group.  When a child is born prematurely, even if its just 3 weeks, there is a term called adjusted age.  This gives the parents an idea of how to keep track of development when physically the baby might be a bit behind.  The calculation is based on your due date, so instead of having the developmental abilities of a month old baby, your 3 week early baby develops closer to a week old baby.  Seeing as Carter was due December 3rd that's how we've been keeping up.

I brought this up with his pediatrician and asked him when he thought Carter would be caught up to the other babies born in November, he said that by his 4 month appointment we should be right on track.  Just what an anxious first time mom needed to hear!

I interviewed 2 pediatricians while I was pregnant, again, it was a suggestion from the belly buddies group.  Dr. Bartlett was my first choice.  He's been practicing medicine in Pediatrics for 38 years.  He's pro breast feeding, and even gave me a high five when at Carter's 2 month appointment I told him he was only getting breast milk. 

I just feel really lucky to have found these ladies, and sparked the friendships that I have.  We talk almost everyday online, and I hope that continues long after I return to work. Thanks ladies, you really made our experience more special, especially Alicia, Meshele, Jess, Beth and Valerie.  Oh and I can't forget Carter's new friends... Weslee, Patience, Evan, Lillian and Addison. 


Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Hi All!!!

Hi everyone,

Thanks for checking out our blog.

Have a great day!!!


Monday, January 24, 2011

New Pictures

We got a smile as we left the house for our walk!  He is still a bit camera shy, that or just sick of the flash!  His smile is usually open mouthed all gums and cheeks... we'll take what we can get!
 Some of the faces Carter makes are really funny!  Some of them are quite sad.  He's mastered the pout, I'll have to find a pout picture to post. 
 It was bright out, so he tried out Mommy's glasses... they don't fit.

Discoveries -- Mirror Baby

I'm a few days late on this, but Carter discovered his reflection in the mirror. I read a lot of baby books, currently I'm on What to expect the first year, follow up to What to Expect While Expecting. It says that babies don't know they are looking at themselves in the mirror they thing its another baby. The book also says the recognition that its their reflection doesn't usually happen until about 6-8 months So we've named the baby in the mirror, mirror baby! He smiles and stares at mirror baby and I think he wonders why his Mommy is holding another baby other then him. He smiles and coos at Mirror baby and his Mommy. Now every morning when we get up we say hi to Mirror baby then start our day.

Speaking of starting the day, We started ours at 6:45 this morning, he went to bed at 10! Sadly Lee and I didn't get that much sleep, we rented The Social Network last night and didn't realize how long it was. I thought it was a great movie. I've heard that its not true to life, but it was entertaining none the less.

Lee has to work today, and I think I'm going to try to give Carter a bath on my own. It'll be the first time I give him one without Lee's help, but I figure baby steps! He really likes the tub, and is pretty well behaved so I think I'll manage OK.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Carter's Super Speedy Growth

I can hardly believe how fast he is growing. He was 7lbs 2 oz when we brought him home, at his 2 month pediatric appointment he was 10lbs 10.5oz. His length is what really threw me! He grew 2 1/2 inches in just 2 months! I have another picture from about one month in his bouncer, but its not as telling as these two are. I am going to try to take a new picture in the bouncer each month for the first year.
This next picture makes my jaw drop everytime I look at it. When your pregnant everyone says enjoy every moment it goes so fast. They're right.

Highlights of the past 2 1/2 months

Glad I went to bed when I did. 5:15 came sooner then I'd like. I feel so behind! There is so much to tell and I don't want to leave a detail out! Maybe I should have started the blog back in November. After he came life was such a blur for weeks! Here are a few highlights.
We celebrated our first Thanksgiving as a family with my Dad, Nancy and one of Carter's Auntie Nicoles (he has two). We went to Grey Oaks my father's new community for dinner. Carter was just 12 days old. He was incredibly well behaved, but didn't get the oppertunity to try the turkey, maybe next year!

We also celebrated Christmas with tiny baby Carter and he seemed to really enjoy himself! Lee and I hosted Christmas Eve at our house for my sister Lindsay, Pops and Nancy. Christmas Day we went to my mother's house and I forgot my camera, I appoligise for not having pictures from Christmas Day with Oma (hopefully I can get the pictures from my mother soon). Carter got a ton of presents from family all over! Seems everytime we opened our front door there was another new package for him! Sometimes it doesn't seem fair that we get all the bills, and he gets all the toys! Christmas Eve he met his Auntie Lindsay for the first time.

Lee's parents and sister came to visit us and stayed from December 18th through the 23rd to meet thier grandson/nephew. We had a great visit with them.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Why Start Now?

November 13th was 10 weeks ago today. Yes our little man is 70 days old. He has already grown and changed in so many ways I feel behind already!

The reason I'm starting this blog now, is because on February 1st, I go back to work. It was a blessing that I was able to take off so much time, 12 weeks. It went by so quickly. So you ask, what have you been doing with all of that time off? I've been falling in love with my son. Mushy I know. I don't know what else to call it. Lee and I got to the edge of crazy with a new huge responsibility, lack of sleep, stress of healing and as soon as we couldn't keep our eyes open one second longer he smiled!

I've taken more pictures of him then I care to admit. I think I'm addicted. Every time I turn around there are changes I need to capture. I love being a mom, and I don't want to forget a second of his babyhood. I hope to share some of those here. I didn't think I was going to be one of those moms who took millions of pictures of her baby and posted them everywhere all over Facebook! Currently, my new most favorite picture of him is my profile picture. That previously bugged the heck out of me when others did the same. Little Carter has totally infiltrated my heart, my soul, and my Facebook.

Now that its time to go back to work, I'm sad that I wont be the one who tends to his every need, but I know the time away will make our time together that much more special. I want to keep a record of his milestones and pictures and dates of such for memory, but also to share with you.

Now that I've got our blog underway, I need to take this opportunity to get my sleep. He's been in bed for 45 minutes already, and I know there will be 2 wide eyes by 5:45am. More about that tomorrow.

Welcome Little One!

Lee and I learned in late March of 2010 that we were expecting a baby. We were both thrilled with the idea, and a little overwhelmed with it being a first experience for us both. We waited to the end of my first trimester to tell our families and our friends. We got some great reactions.

Here is how I told my dad: (phone call)

"Hi Dad, how would you feel about being a grandfather?"

"Oh, well I don't know!? Is there a reason?"

"Well yes, Lee and I are having a baby!"

He was so cute and excited about it, he made me tear up! Then I hear him say:

"Sweetheart, Julie's having a baby!" To Nancy. I can still hear the inflection in his voice and the excitement in his smile even over the phone.

Lee's parents we took a different approach with. His father's birthday is in April, and we sent his birthday card and addressed it to Grandpa! They called us a bit confused, and we share the good news!

I had a reletively uncomplicated pregnancy. We followed the book with standard tests and procedures. At about 20 weeks gestation (July 14th), my Dad's birthday, we found out we were having a boy! This was the point where our families started talking about names and what they wanted to be called. My parents took the untraditional route. My mother requested to be called Oma, German for Grandmother. My father requested Pops, well ... because it's cute!

We did not share our thoughts on naming him with anyone. It was something Lee and I wanted to do on our own. We went through dozens of lists online, thought about family names, and struggled with what his name would be until October. We finalized his name but didn't tell anyone including my doctors until I was in labor. A few of the names we threw around were: Ethan, Evan, Cole, Aiden, Martin and William *as a first name. We are very satisfied with his name, and hope he likes it as a child, and also as he grows into a man.

Lee's family threw us a baby shower in Massachussets in September, which I didn't go to in person, but Lee did. I skyped the shower it was great, but I wish I'd been there in person! I had another small shower in early October which was fun. Lee and I are really blessed to have such generous family and friends! We had just about everything we needed for our baby!

I'm going to spare my readers the gory details of my pregnancy and the process of bringing Carter into this world. Some readers know the details; for modesty's sake I'm going to just say he was delivered to us on November 13th 2010 at 12:37am weighing 7lbs 2oz and 21 inches long. He was exactly 3 weeks earlier then my due date. Lee and I were instantly taken by him. Our lives haven't been the same since. We liked being two, but we love being three.

This is his very first picture:

Coming home outfit:

Birth announcement picture:

Getting Started and Introductions

The reason I am starting this blog is to share with family and friends who are to far for us to keep in touch with in person, and as a gift to my son, so he can look back and know not only how quirky his parents are, but also how much we love him. Please feel free to comment, or write notes to any of us here. I hope to make it enjoyable and hopefully interesting!

My husband Lee and I just had our first baby. Well, back in November. Man the time really flies with a little baby in the house! We did pretty well adjusting to parenthood.

Here is the cast of our little family:
Mommy (me) -- Julie
Daddy -- Lee
Baby -- Carter
Kitty -- 10 year old tortoise shell rescue
Milo -- 5 year old Rag Doll (cat)

Here is a little background on Lee and I since Carter has just joined the party!

Lee and I met in 2005 through a mutual friend. He and I hit it off right away and started dating in April. In 2008 the night before my college graduation from Clark University he asked me to marry him. We announced our engagement to our entire family and friends the following day after my graduation at our graduation/going away party! We were thunderously applauded, it was a moment I'll never forget all the days of my life.

We moved to Florida in June of 2008, just as the job market fell through the floor. We weren't going to let that stop us. We planned our wedding in Massachusetts so that all of our family and friends could make it.

We honeymooned for a week in Jamaica, then it was back to work for us.

That's the very basic background, I'll write more about each important event as it becomes relevant. Starting with the most recent and most dear: getting ready for and the birth of our son Carter!